Mandela's town! Cities South Africa
Hotel Melrose Arch drink w haute carbine pinonoir 2006 restaurant Montego Bay dating games philip who he calls guy whore 365 days went to a club so I found that the fellow I am dealing with wss the grandson of Mandela as Phillip tried to assure my doubting Thomas as I convinced myself in SA afterall and they must grow Mandela in every corner!. So I put up with 2 young men's egos as they exchaned bragging experiences and cursing off each other; in fact I can say VV per was coming from Mandela jr. who seem to politisize everything in color blk & white and dominate his conversatuon with making money or people that have money. He started off saying he works with his father around the corner on the posh Alice st. where some of my contacts have offices.
Standing at conciege to change ticket when I asked a uniformed police women if there is trouble in the hotel she said yes there is at the adjustent village walk mall where there was a car jacking. I commented how it was terrible to read the local paper or listen to radio she agreed saying it is terrible thing specially here in JHB.
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cafe..where stock brokers hang out
-Rivonia Harrison Grill & Sea food - music sauvignon blqnc from
Steenberg 2006 w barbel (Barb) & cavin
Lunch w Angela Mc
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@Bar what do u do
made it to jhb airport to go south, to George with 2 luggage bus class guy lost luggage change bk? None ok on a bus class to SA express had nice chat w a friendly Brabilian born mother and daugher. ........