
27 March 2009 - Bowling Tournament in San Francisco with GGU

My team and the missed score... we had fun! go GGU!

23 March 2009- SFBay ISOC reception at Hilton Tavern

Yes, we did it! Feb 16, 2009 - The San Francisco Bay Chapter of Internet Society. Celebrating with the ISOC International, IETF folks and ICANN Chairman, who graced us with his presence and said few words for us.
Left - Zaid (our President/Chair and Peter, ICANN Chairman) Right - Sophia Board Secretary start from left, then Franck Board Member from Fiji also on ISOC International Board of Trustees and Annalisa far right SFBay Vice Chair.

Go see more and join us on Facebbook...


SanFrancisco - Classical Tango meets Jazz

Saturday, Mar 21 8:00p at San Francisco War Memorial Opera House: Herbst Theatre, San Francisco, CA. Tango, Passion & Swing” featuring the Grammy-Award winning pianist and composer Pablo Ziegler with his Quartet in an unique pairing with special guest, Latin Grammy-Award winning flautist Nestor Torres!
I hear Paulo has his legacy from his role model Astor Piazolla, a who revolutionized the traditional tango into, incorporated Jazz and Classical music.

Tango music to me is a story of the unrequited love, boy meets girl and she always leave him.. it has no conclusion...because of that there is always a new beginning...


18 March 2009- Alamo, CA - Rotary Club

Ok, always a pleasure to visit my Rotarian friends at the RoundHill Country Club in Alamo. Brian D. Thiessen, far right, a popular Lawyer and former District Governor, who has been my long time friend now and one who has inagurated me with the Paul Harris Fellow award and his wife Ms. Thiessen at far left.
I stand in between the former Rotary International President Cliff Dochterman, the best loved Rotarian in the world and probably the most famous, who was the guest speaker today and entertained us with stories of his experience from Ethiopia to India and his wife Mary Elena. Always great to hear stories of well traveled people.


11 March 2009 - San Francisco

Ok..time for some giving back- at GGU
Does anyone care about the "other half"! Check this out!


7 March 2007 Le Dolce Vita Again

Time flies in a down economy, oxymoron!..but here comes La Dolce Vita again. I would not miss the good looking Italian Society of San Franisco for anything. Amazing elegance, genetics, great party, Auction and Charity work!

Viva the good life!